We must recognize that racism is a sickness, that the exploitation and wholesale rape and pillage of the earth by the European represents a pathology and an illness. Our destiny is not one of trying to become a member of this gang of thieves, but to end its existence here on earth, to inhibit its rapacious ways and to bring this group of people to heel!
Afrikan-Centered Consciousness Versus The New World Order: Garveyism in the Age of Globalism
History as defined by John Henrik Clarke is a “clock that people use to tell their political and cultural time of day. It is also a compass that people use to find themselves on the map of human g ...
I have always felt that time could be an ally or a foe in a people’s struggle for freedom. It is easy to look at the past, look at the oppression and destruction of African societies and say it h ...
African Cultural Calendar is similar to the calendars our ancestors, who built societies along the Nile Valley from Axum to Kemet, created. The same calendars were also used across our homeland in ...
The African Cultural Calendar (Africalendar) combines both our history and the purpose of a calendar to tell our people’s story in time. A year in the Africalendar is a journey through our history from the Nile Valley to the diaspora. The months in the Africalendar represent our history from the beginning to the current time. The first month is called Kemet. Kemet is from our beginning; it is one of the first great societies our ancestors built. The year in the Africalendar ends with a renewal period called Kwanzaa. With the African Cultural Calendar, we journey through our history and cultures as time flows from Kemet to Kwanzaa.
The africalendar starts from almost at the beginning of the people’s history. The first month in the afriyear is Kemet. The word Kemet means black. It is the name that Africans in ancient Egypt called themselves and their country. Egypt has been called “the light of the world” and Kemet is the light that starts the year. The history of Kemet is the history of civilization, and it is an achievement of the people. Our history cannot properly be written without starting with Kemet. Our people from the Ashantis to the Zulus place their origin in the Nile valley, where Kemet flourished. Kemet reflects the beginning and that is the reason that the africalendar begins each year with the month Kemet.
Nubia is the second month in the African cultural calendar. It is similar to February; in that it has 28 days or 29 days in a leap year. Nubia is one of the great civilizations that form the foundation of the people. It was located south of Kemet but it preceded and may have even given birth to Egypt. Nubia and Egypt shared many similarities. Egypt adopted symbols of royalty similar to those of Nubia.
Meroe rose to prominence after Nubia. It was a capital city of the well known empire of Cush. It was located along the Nile valley, close to modern day Sudan. It shared similarities with Nubia and Egypt including writing styles.